Tuff Nuts Don't Crack.

Age 26

Habitual Linestepper

Penn State


Joined on 9/1/22

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TuffNuts's News

Posted by TuffNuts - August 24th, 2024

I'm going to deviate from my usual format to say I didn't do a darn thing for reading, wirting, or art. But I do want to say I did get admitted to grad school and the semester starts Monday. I am very happy I am going and I'm looking forward to it.

See you next week



Posted by TuffNuts - August 17th, 2024

Fine week

Career: My supervisor wrte my recomendation for my grad school appicatin. She said it was pretty good and, knowing her, I totally believe her

Reading: Read chapters 2 and 3 of Robin Hood

Writing: None

Art/Animation: None

I'm happy about the recomnedation, but from here on it, I will take writing and art more seriously. See you next week



Posted by TuffNuts - August 10th, 2024

Career: Applied to grad school! What a weight off my back. I'll hear back from them in about two weeks. Hopefully sooner..

Reading: None

Writing: None

Art/Animation: None

As much as I am glad to have applied to grad school, that came at the expense of doing anything else. I had trouble navigating the application website and getting the required information I needed to apply. That caused me to devote a massive amount of time to trying to apply and simultaneously putting it off for as long as I could. Managing stress and time are not my strong suites. I hesitate to call this a good week because of my poor performance managing my time. Heres to hoping next week is better.

Side note: My yo-yo I got on my birthday broke last night and I'm bummed out about it.



Posted by TuffNuts - August 3rd, 2024

God week

Career: My supervisor said I can use her as reference. I also got my transcripts sent to my email. Now all I need to is to write a one-page letter saying why I want to go to grad school.

Reading: Read a little bit of Robin Hood by J. Walker McSpadden

Writing: Nothing

Art/Animation: Got selected to be in team 9 for Blind World Collab. Looking forward to that.

See you next week.



Posted by TuffNuts - July 27th, 2024

Okay week

Career: Asked my boss to be the reference on my grad school application. Have not gotten a response back

Reading: Finished A Scanner Darkly. Pretty great. The last couple of chapters really elevate it.

Writing: Wrote a little bit of background of another story.

Art/Animation: Nothing really. I might have done some stuff, but I forget.

Okay week. Hope my boss acepts my request to be my reference on my application. See you next week



Posted by TuffNuts - July 20th, 2024

A pretty unproductive week to be honest

Career: Nothing. I need to get all the stuff together for applying to grad school. Especially the reference I need as part of the application. I'll ask either my boss or one of my co-workers.

Reading: Got to Chapter 14 of A Scanner Darkly. Pretty good book.

Writing: Wrote just an iota of more stuff for the novel idea I mentioned last week

Art/Animation: Toyed around a little more in BlockBench. I need to start studying up on that because I think I'be hit the limit on just screwing around with cuboids and extruding their faces will take me.

Not proud of this week at all. Need to buckle up and bear down. See you all next week.



Posted by TuffNuts - July 13th, 2024

A good week

Career: Nothing. About time I got off my behind and get the stuff together I need to apply for grad school. Also I know my workplace can pay for As and Bs, but I honestly want to find a new job at a new place. Not prudent to start grad school and looking for a new job, but darn it, the people I interact with as part of my job make want to never speak to another person ever again. I'm not super serious about finding a new place to work, I'm just salty and frustrated and wanted to vent a little.

Writing: Did very little. I did whip up a preliminary outline for a new story. I like the basic premise behind it of exposing a predator and exposing the corrupt system that protects them. Its great because their are clear villians and heros and the satisfaction of seeing horrible villiainy get its just desserts.

Reading: Got the chapter 13 of A Scanner Darkly. The book was publish in 1977 and set in 1994. Pretty interesting what Philip K. Dick thought of some devices we would have in the future. Also, the main character has a love interest named Donna Hawthorne. Paul Giamatti's voice he does for her is so enjoyable. He really sells the strung out valley chick vibe she has going on. Plus the kind of growly gravelley voices he does for the other junkies, grizzled characters are great

Art/Animation: Fooled around in Blockbench, got a bit more aquainted with it. Practed a little extruding and it sunk in what loopcuts are: it's adding more faces to a prexesiting face of the model. Harldy ready to declare myself a master, but far less apprehesive about trying to learn more. I had a lotta fund just screwing around with cubes and pryaminds and contoring them depending on what I did.

A good week for me. Also how is it the middle of July already? Summer goes by way too fast. Atleast Fall means its college football time, but I don't want Summer to end. No year have I ever been really ready for it to end? Rant about Summer over. Hope you all had a great week and heres to seeing you next week.


Posted by TuffNuts - July 6th, 2024

An okay week

Career: Nothing. Just cooling my heels for a little while prior to applying to grad school. It's rolling admission and class begins at the end of August. Part of the admission process is getting a reference, and I'm mulling over whom I will be using as a reference.

Writing: Nothing. This week I've been on vacation and I've done nothing. Gotta get back on the wagon

Readin: Also nothing. I've been really bad about reading lately

Art/Animation: Hey, I've actually done something. I've worked a little in block bench. I've watched two tutorials 1.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbyCbA1c8BM 2.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GukhptdHlPk&t=931s Honeslty pretty intimidating for my stupid ape brain. I honestly think these tutorials are pretty good, it's just my skull is denser than lead so I found it hard to follow along. First step in the journey of a thousand miles, yadda yadda yadda. But I did fool around in Blockbench and I colored a sphere yellow to vaguley look like a sun, so it's something. Hoenslty need to watch these more times so I can do fancy things like extruding and loop cuts. Again these tutorials are good, my caveman brain just cannot wrap my head around them only watching them a few times.

Like I said, an okay week. I am glad I atleast tried to work on art and animation. Very little but better than nothing. Hope you Summer is going great and see you next week. And in honor of a belated 4th of July, here's my favorite patriotic song. Star and Striped ForeverL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mRn9chmRAY I love the trumpet section so much.


Posted by TuffNuts - June 29th, 2024

A nice week

Career: I attended an information session for getting a master's degree. Really cool and informative. Deciding between an MBA and a master's in Finance, and leaning Finance because of it's narrower focus and finance interests me more. Plus going down that path would expose me to a good deal of the information that's on the CFA exams and become a CFA is a tantilizing prospect. The program also lets you kinda double dip in majors so can get two masters in less than the time it would take to get two, so maybe I wouldn't have to decide between one or the other

Writing: Wrote a tiny bit more on a short story. I'm thinking I'm going to change direction a bit on that one.

Reading: Got to chapter 9 in the audio book version of A Scanner Darkly I'm listening to. Pretty good.

Art/Animation: Nothing again. I honestly was planning on begining on that front today, but my father and I were watching my neighbors' kids for them for the day. Tomorrow is a new day, and I want to give a foray into art and honest go of it.

A nice week, espcially on the master's front. I think getting the master's will help me get a better job and if I can get through the CFA exams, being a CFA would be pretty choice. Getting through those three exams is a pretty big if, but stranger things have happened. Since this is log #26, that means the year is half over. Hard to believe. See you all next week.


Posted by TuffNuts - June 22nd, 2024

Career: I've decide I'm going to graduate school and i'll be going to an information session at a grad school campus near my workplace next week

Writing: I wrote a short story of the Writer's Jam and wrote a little of another short story. Link to my Wrtier's Jam Entry

Reading: Nothing. I've gotten pretty lax on reading and need to get back to it

Art/Animation: A big fat nothing. What a suprise.

Lookingg forward to grad school. See you next week
