Tuff Nuts Don't Crack.

Age 25

Habitual Linestepper

Penn State


Joined on 9/1/22

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Update Log #21

Posted by TuffNuts - 1 month ago

Another fine week

Career: A little more resume brushing up. Now just to start applying

Writing: Finished the revisions on my 3rd chapter. Stronger than the first draft, but it needs another pass. Going to do that after I finish the whole thing. I began the first very embryonic stages of writing chapter 4. I like how it's all shaping up so far.

Reading: I've decided for the time being to bench Dune. For whatever reason, I just have a hard time reading it. I tried to start reading it a few years ago so I'd finish the book before the first movie came out, but to no avail. Instead I've turned to audio books. I'm listening to Wise Guy by Nicholas Pileggi. It's the book that served as the basis for the movie Goodfellas, my favorite movie. The book recounts the life of Henry Hill from when he joined the mafia to when he testifies against all his mob associates in exchange for protection from them after he got busted for drug trafficking. I'm part of the way through. The version I'm listening is narrated by Pileggi. I was hoping to find one narrated by Ray Liotta, the guy who played Henry Hill in Goodfellas, but Pileggi's narration has a similar vocal cadence to Liotta's in the movie, so I got over Liotta not being the narrator pretty quick. The book is very detailed and gripping in its depiction of Hill's time in the mob. I'm enthralled by the horrific exploits of this people. These people were committing grave acts of evil on the regular, often times for no other reason than that they could do it. It's been a great ride so far, so I'd say give the book a go.

Art/Animation: Still nothing. 21 weeks of no progress is embarassing. I gotta get on that yesterday.

Another fine week. Here's to hoping for another fine week next week. Summer's just around the corner, and that's my favorite time of year. See you soon.




Nice to see you doing well man, also they say that to truly master something, it should take you at least 10,000 hours and after doing some math, you have only spent 3000 hours doing animation/art, even if you haven't had any progress, you still have a lot more to go, bruh. Hope you do well in that department

Thanks for the kind words of encouragement.