Tuff Nuts Don't Crack.

Age 26

Habitual Linestepper

Penn State


Joined on 9/1/22

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Update Log #4

Posted by TuffNuts - January 27th, 2024

Log #4 coming at you. Not a ton of progress but more than my previous logs. Old habits die hard, but this log is meant to keep me honest and on track so I can form better habits conducive to acheiving these goals. And while I want to be instantly good and acheive all my goals in a snap, I realize it's a journey of a thousand miles type thing.


a. Writing: Nothing again, but I did get more familiar with the program I dowlaoded a while back called Scrivener. The have a text tutorial that I personally found not super helpful, but on there website there's a video that explains basically all the features and it was wicked useful to me. Honestly, I'd probably have better new in this area if I posted this tomorrow, but I want to stick to the routine of posting these on Saturdays


b. Career: Heres the big one. I updated my resume, my LinkedIn page, and applied for an internal position at my company. I got denied, but it was nice to get a response. Failure is just a stepping stone on the path of success and there will be other open positions that I will apply to. Honeslty, it felt great just to apply to it. It felt like a bit of a weight off my chest and provided me with some greater motivation to be more proactive in moving out of my current position


c. Health & Exercise: Same old dumbell routine, but I have bumped up the curls I do across my body up from 30 to 50. Again, doing these things only once per day is not going to get me ripped or anything, but it's nice to push myself a little bit further.


d. Art & Animation: Nothing. I just got to bite the bullet and learn Blender. Hopefully they have a simple vidoe tutorial for how that works. I also should try to making any sort of art into a habit. I posted crappy MS Paint doodles towards the ends of last year, and even just doing that will form habit of making art, leading to a habit of improving my art.



a. Reading: More Lord Of The Rings (spoilers) Got from were Sam and Frodo first enocuter Gollum in the Emyn Muil to when Gollum begins taking them to Cirith Ungol after reaching the Black Gate. I love the part when they are trekking across the Dead Marshes. Tolkien gives that place such captivating imagery. Given Tolkien was a WWI veteran, it's likely he was inspired by the stuff he saw in the war when writing that section


b. Programming: Not a darn thing


c. Music: Honeslty can't really remember a lot about the records I listened to this week. I did listen to this song called Rylanor's Last Stand. It's about Warhammer 40k characters and I'm a decent sized fan of 40k. Enough of a fan to soak in as much lore as I can, but not enough to take out a mortgage so I can afford some plastic miniatures. Even if you're not a fan of 40k I can recommend the song. The best way I can describe it is this metal opera song in which Rylanor confronts a demon who betrayed him. Rylanor's resolve to kill the demon as well as his blistering rejection of the demon's temptations is amazing. Didn't learn anything about how to make musci. That will change.

d. Don't know what to put here, because I haven't begun to build the set of Beaver Stadium yet, and I don't know what else to do.



a. Videogames: Dusted off my Steam library and played some round of Rivals of Aether. It's like Melee, but on PC. It's really fun, especially the frog ninja chracter Ranno. He's so awesome. The sequel comes out this year and that looks pretty awesome. Althought I will miss the amazing pixel art of the first game since the sequel is going with 3D Models. I just think great pixel art has a lot of charm compared to models. My go-to example when I think of pixel vs model is comparing Street Fighter 3: Third Strike's sprites to the models used in future games. 3rd Strike is an awesome game that I should play and learn. Need to get over my old man esque tech ineptitude and finally setup Fightcade properly.


b. YouTube Watch Later: I watched like one video I saved to that playlist like a day ago. I need to go int there and do some serious pruning.


c. TV: Nothing. My biggest roadblock for this is finding the services or means to watch the shows I'm thinking of watching and paying for them. I'd rather watch them legit and I'm cheap and don't feel like paying for streaming services


d. Music: Considering I have music twice, I need to make some changes with these goals



TBD: Don't know, but I should look into how to play musically instruments. I think it'd be neat.

Going forward, I'm going to listen to my records when working on any of this stuff. Music keeps my focused, and records force me to stay on track. I love Spotfiy, but the ability to just jump from song to song so easily just derails my. I cannot watch/listen to YouTube when doing any of this. Having to watch just soaks up all my attention and kills any nascent potential I had for doing anything. But I do feel like I've reached a bit of a turning point here. I will say January on the whole has been a bust progress wise, but something about what I did mange to accomplish this week makes me feel like I finally have some momentum. I think finally sitting down and getting familiar with Scrivener and how envigorating Rylanor's Last Stand is to listen has gotten me feeling more optimistic than I have in a long time. See you next week




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